• Welcome to Apex Forensic Services



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The expertise that you need

We will quickly assess whether we are the best fit for your matter – we only take on engagements where we have the requisite expertise. Our clients never pay us to learn on their engagements.

Analyzing Economic Damages

Complex disputes require depth and breadth of experience. We help unravel complicated financial transactions, reconstruct audit trails, prepare economic damage models, and provide expert witness testimony

Conducting Fraud Investigations

Corruption, financial statement fraud and asset misappropriation in the corporate setting take many forms and may include bribery of public officials, understating liabilities and expenses, accelerating revenues, payments to ghost vendors and a host of other types of fraud

Consulting on Anti-Corruption Matters

We possess deep expertise in both proactive and reactive engagements involving anti-corruption matters. On the proactive side, we’ve evaluated the efficacy of existing compliance programs and related controls, and performed risk assessments and gap analyses

Evaluating Compliance Systems and Procedures

Periodically testing the efficacy of compliance systems is a necessary step in the risk mitigation process.  Early detection of wrongdoing is critical to reducing the myriad of potential costs (i.e., fines, disgorgement, investigations, litigation) associated with non-compliance

Recovering Losses Under Fidelity Coverage

We have assisted clients in recovering losses caused by employee acts of dishonesty, acting as both an independent, third-party neutral between the Insured and the Carrier, as well as working directly on behalf of the Insured

Analyzing Construction Losses

We conduct forensic investigations and analyze whether subcontractors have complied with contractual provisions regarding labor, materials and equipment charges billed to the Contractor

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